Monday, March 30, 2009

Unchurched Friend #3

Addison Roberts
CRL 233 Developing Outreach and Discipleship Programs
Instructor Gerry Stoltzfoos

Unchurched Friend

Name: CJ

Occupation and Lifestyle: Student living at home

CJ feels that the greatest need in his area is something for the kids to do. It should be noted that the term“kid” encompasses anyone one still in the local school district. He feels that he lives in a boring town in which kids just hang out at home and have nothing interesting to do. The closest place for people to hang out is the Deptford Mall, which is twenty minutes away. Basically, the greatest need he can think of is the need for more youth friendly recreation. A Church with vision for this sort of thing could provide for this need in an incredible way. Some kind of youth center with an after school program could fill this need incredibly well.

CJ is interested in many different things. Among these are serious things like economics and war and less serious things like video games, technology and Football. He thinks that most people don't attend church because they are too busy with other things. He personally doesn't attend because he can work on Sunday and make more money per hour. Because of this, he works as much as he can on Sundays. This is quite a change from the world my mother grew up in were everything was closed on Sundays. If CJ were to look or a church to attend, he would look for a relevant, concise, and engaging service in a church that is well connected to the community. His advice to Pastors is that they would make themselves available and easily contactable. He also recommends that they lead their congregations in serving the community well. If he is going to ask his people to do service projects, he should be out serving right alongside them. I think this is such a good leadership point that we should all remember.

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