Thursday, April 30, 2009

New Believer 3

Addison Roberts
CRL 233 Developing Outreach and Discipleship Programs
Instructor Gerry Stoltzfoos


Travis is a student in our youth ministry who I have seen grow in the Lord over this past year. It has been awesome to see him get connected. I specifically remember a time when Daniel asked me to use him in a skit and I didn't even know who he was. He ended up doing the skit and doing a good job. He and I have grown close and he really is a good kid.

His journey to faith was relatively simple. He has come to faith by just attending Church, listening to the sermons, and making new friendships with Christ followers. These things have helped him to grow closer to Jesus as this year has progressed. Travis stepped over the line and made a commitment to Jesus during meetings with Johannes Amritzer that Freedom Valley Worship Center, his home church, had in June. He was baptized in water at the conclusion of that week. He now considered himself a believer and had started his journey of faith.

According to Travis, the best part of being a Christian has been confidence that he will not accidentally step into the wrong crowd as long as he stays around believers. Also, he enjoys the fact that he is happy most of the time. The hardest part has been having to constantly check himself an think about his actions. When you are a believer, you can't just do what you want. You have to check yourself. It is good that Travis already realizes this and has taken on the challenge because it is crucial to living an integrate life as a believer.

The things that have helped Travis grow are his church attendance and his friendships with church people. The advice he would give to someone in his position would be this: Go to church and get connected. Make good friends and get involved.

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