Thursday, April 30, 2009

Dave Ramsey

I honestly really like the cocktail of hope that he gave. The first thing to do if you are struggling with hope is get up and do something. Don't just sit back and wait on somebody else to bail you out. There really is something about action that helps a lot. This is useful in evangelism is that we can talk a lot about how upset we are about the moral state of the world and about how the world is spiraling downward and all that and feel very out of control. But we need to get out there and start advancing God's kingdom like he is the king that he is. We can have hope for our world if WE are the ones committed to changing it. The second thing to do is not participate in loser talk. This works for evangelism too. Don't talk to people who are just waiting for the Lord to return and watching as the world gets worse. Talk to people who are changing lives and are serious about changing the world. Talk to people who refuse to accept defeat and you will be encouraged. Thirdly, Dave encouraged people to remember giving. This works for evangelism also. Start giving of yourself. Give of yourself radically. Give your time, your money, your heart, your soul and your mind to seeing the lost saved. If the laws of Sowing and Reaping are true. Great work produces a great harvest. If they aren't, Let's pack up this whole operation called church and go home.

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