Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sam Masteller

Addison Roberts
CRL 233 Developing Outreach and Discipleship Programs
Instructor Gerry Stoltzfoos

Sam affected the way I will preach the gospel in the future. He seemed to have his ministry focused on one major element: cultural relevance.

I like the idea of focusing on cultural relevance. Sam asked an interesting question: Why don't we view America as a mission field? In any other missions endeavor, we would study the people, engage the culture and do our absolute best to make the gospel understandable and relevant. Why haven't we done this in America? No missionary to America would do ministry the way the church does it. The American church seems to take a pride in being a separate entity from culture. It shouldn't be this way. Jesus connected with people in their culture. We have to do the same. As Sam said, we must “use what is cultural to convey what is timeless.” Sam told of how he connects with people by telling relevant stories. It seems that he takes life and brings the Bible into the situation that he paints. This connects with non believers in that they can relate to what is being said. After this relation happens, you need to only add the spiritual implications. I think that is so cool and will definitely try to tell more stories when I preach in the future.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Speaker Response:Wes Shortridge

Addison Roberts
CRL 233 Developing Outreach and Discipleship Programs
Instructor Gerry Stoltzfoos

Wes Shortridge really challenged my thinking and ot me thinking about some new ideas.

Primarily I found myself challenged by the idea of leadership building. I realized for the first time that high level leadership is often defined by how well you take yourself out of the limelight. Replacing myself scares me to be quite honest. I am afraid there will be no where to go when I have replaced myself effectively. This always makes me afraid because I often wonder how I will develop personally if I give my spot away. This is something I am really grappling with and I am so glad Wes brought it back to the front of my mind.

I have pondered heavily this idea of being saved into a community and I actually agree with the it. When we are saved, we become part of the Body of Christ. I don't think you can do one without the other. If the limb stays disconnected from the body, it will die. I think it is the same way with Christ's body. I am pretty sure I have thought this before but Wes really helped me to formulate the idea into words. I greatly appreciated Wes' fresh treatment of and ideas on ministry.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Addison Roberts
CRL 233 Developing Outreach and Discipleship Programs
Instructor Gerry Stoltzfoos

Jonatan and Anna.

I am actually very upset that I was unable to attend this class. I am currently being taught by God that compassion is everything. I really have to learn to care about people and love/care/talk/listen without and agenda. The ministry of Jonatan and Anna helped me to see this even more. These two people deeply care for others and it has made a difference. All successful ministry must be genuine. It cannot have at his heart a self serving agenda. It cannot have at it's heart a desire for numbers to increase. It cannot have at it's heart a desire for fame. It must be servant hood.

Also, even though they do professional missions work, they really came off as everyday type people. I understand that they have worked hard at portraying this image and I realize that I must do the same. They really made me feel like I could do evangelism. So in that sense I found myself incredibly challenged. Jonatan and Anna clearly do not view themselves as lofty success stories but as everyday people doing the work of Jesus. If we all portrayed this same image, I think the way the world views the church would be radically changed for the better.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Church Rater #1

The Church
What Church did you visit?

Bethel Assembly of God

What city or town is this Church located?
Littlestown PA

What date and service did you attend?
February 8th, Evening Service

How would you rate this church?
Overall good and well rounded church experience. Very energetic without coming off too hip and youthful for an older crowd.

Rate the following from 1 to 5. 1 is not effective, 5 is very effective!
Overall: 4 Friendliness 3 Singing 3 Preaching 5
First Impressions
Was the building easy to find? i followed someone there who knew where they were going so i dont really know...large building, i am being told it was fairly easy to find
Was it difficult to find parking? not at all, i had a good spot
How about the interior or exterior signage- what would you do differently? maybe make the main entrance to the building slightly more marked. would probably not known where to go in had i not sen other people going in.

What did the appearance, style, or construction of the building communicate to you?
i was very impressed with the layout and size of the building. I like big buildings so i was very excited by the size of the building. the buildings size and impressive construction made me expect good things. Also, the effectiv3e layout made me feel like i was in a professional place. It think the general impression of the building and signage causes you to be very excited and causes you to expect an impressive service.
Before the service:
Did anyone approach you and speak to you before the service got underway? no one approached me
If someone did speak to you, how did you feel about that?

Can you share their names?

Did you know them before the visit?

General observations:

As you observed the people "doing their church thing", what went through your mind? it was a lot like FVWC's services so i guess i was kind of doing my church thing to. i just saw everything that was going on as normal. i found myself feeling a little odd about the speakers and pastor staying up on stage. that was the only thing that struck me as different. Overall though, i didn't really notice anything other than how cool it was to see multiple denominations come together.

Were you able to understand why they do what they do? yes, it was similar to what i do with the exceptions noted above.

Do they seem sincere? most yes, others not

What do you think about the overall presentation of the service? (the liturgy, program or flow of the service)
i thought it flowed well, i felt engaged and excited throughout and the ending didn't seem like it dragged on like really good services often do. i appreciated that.

Bulletin and communications:

Is there anything in the church bulletin that you find confusing or offensive?
i didn't get one. I don't know if there was one.

If this were your "business", how would you improve the communication part of it- the bulletin especially? i would probably make sure everyone got a bulletin.

Were announcements clear, and interesting (did you want to sign up for anything)
i don't remember any announcements...Rachel's blog says something about a slide announcement....didn't notice that. i think i looked at the slides and saw some ministry announcements but i don't remember any so i must have not been interested.

Children's Ministry

Does this church appear kid-friendly? very much so

Did you bring any children with you to the service? no

If so, ask them about their experience. What did they tell you?

Music and Prayer

How would you describe the music? a little bit old school for my taste and not a energetic as i like but still very good. I still found myself wanting to participate.

Did you enjoy any of it?
yes. i enjoyed worshiping with everyone.

Did you feel like you connected with God during any part of it? yes. I definitely did. I was blown away by the fac that God had made so many denominations able to work together.

How was it different from what you are used to? it was quieter in general with the vocalist spread out across the stage. also the drummer was in a booth. The music was also a little different than what i am used to. older songs.

Would you enjoy worshiping like that often? no

What did you think of the prayers that were offered in the service? they were planned as connectors between songs. some of them were genuine and very good but the ones during worship felt very planned.

As you listened to the prayers, what did you learn about how that church might think of people, or of God? they probably have the same view of God and people as me. all of the longer prayers were offered by swedes. they really just seemed to veiw God as praise worthy and they wanted to connect people with a loving God.

The Speaker's Presentation

Did the Pastor or speaker seem likable? yes both

Is he/she a person you might enjoy having coffee with? Why? yes. they seem like people with interesting stories and very interesting vies on life

Did he/she seem engaged/sincere/condescending? engaged, sincere, professional and humble

Were you motivated to do or think anything differently because of the talk? yes. I need to ask for forgiveness and forgive people more readily.

What could they have done to make it more enjoyable or useful?
i really have no suggestions. It was incredible and i was very impressed with Johannes. more than i have been in the past

Please erase any of the following descriptors that did not apply to the talk: Enjoyable, Thought-provoking,Relevant, Energetic, Credible, Sad, Humorous, Useful, Life-changing, funny,

The Message

What was the main idea of the message? forgiveness

What action did the speaker want you to take or consider taking? forgive people and accept forgiveness

Did the talk itself (the subject matter) hold your attention? yes, i felt very engaged

Did any part of the talk stand out to you in a positive or negative way? the stories from his life that he told made the message hit home and really made the message realistically applicable

What is the one thing the speaker could do that would improve his/her presentation?
i honestly was blown away by the presentation and cant think of one without really trying. i really don't know

Do you think that you particularly will remember anything that was taught? yes, i will never forget the story about the man that burned his sister

Do you understand God or people better because of it? i understand forgiveness better and i understand how important it is to forgive. I was again reminded of God's grace for me and how he will forgive everyone no matter what. I also better understand the concept of asking for forgiveness.

Did it make you feel like you wanted to preach someday yourself ? yes, but it made me feel like i need to get way better.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

New Believer Interview #1

Addison Roberts
CRL 233 Developing Outreach and Discipleship Programs
Instructor Gerry Stoltzfoos

Mark seemed to have the type of story you often hear. It was the end of the story that was amazingly remarkable. You see we often hear stories of people who come to faith as a young age only to run away when they grow up, never to return again. But Mark's story is different.

When asked how he came to faith in Christ, he responded by saying that he actually came back to Christ. He had gone to church as a child but rebelled from the Faith as a teen. Just four months ago, Mark came to a saving knowledge of Jesus and it has changed his life.

When asked what the best part of becoming a Christian was, he said it has been finding the rest and peace of God. However, the most challenging part has been forsaking old friendships and making new ones. These answers seem to be pretty true across the board. I personally wonder if we are on to something.

The thing that has helped him grow in his faith is the wonderful people that Christ has put around him. In this we see the huge value of relationships with new believers. Whether or not we start those relationships could be a matter of life and death.

Finally, the thing we can do to help new believers is build relationships with them and simply be there for them. This is so easy and we definitely should make it common practice with new believers.

In closing, I think Mark's story helps us to see the importance of a couple major things. First of all, the effect of a Christian parent is what really made him choose Jesus. Parents, bring your kids to church. You might radically change their lives. Secondly, relationships are key. We must build them with new believers an help them down this hard road.

Jan Workman - Transforming Kids

Addison Roberts
CRL 233 Developing Outreach and Discipleship Programs
Instructor Gerry Stoltzfoos

Jan Workman is a Children's Pastor at Christian Life Assembly in Camp Hill, PA. After our recent interview with her. I found myself challenged deeply and inspired to better my own ministry.

The major concept that blew my mind with Jan was that she did not feel called to Children's Ministry. She responded to a need and turned out to be incredible. Wow! I will apply this when I see a need that I could fill that I don't feel matches up well with my calling. In doing so, I may find my true commission of service.

The ways in which Jan challenged me in my own ministry (youth) was in the ways of leadership recruitment and discipleship. I plan on beginning to pray for leaders and ask God to show me people who he has commissioned for Youth. She also encouraged a year by year plan for discipleship that I think would be very helpful if adequately applied to Youth Ministry.

Finally, Jan challenged me in the way I view the accessibility of funds. We serve a God of plenty and he will provide for the work of his hands if we trust him. I need to remember this as I build Bombshelter.